Thursday, May 6, 2010

More Self-Portraits

Some more studies of myself in portrait. Also more playing around in photoshop. The white tree picture is a sculpture I'm working on. I put my face on it because it is a sculpture representing my internal working model as a therapist ;)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I have decided to do a series of self-portraits, mostly pictures modified in photoshop. I only have two so far, but there will be more to come!

I decided to do self-portraits because it is something that I'm quite uncomfortable with. Using myself as subject matter always makes me a bit squeamish. I feel like doing this though will be a good way to reflect on all the ways that the past two years has changed me, and all the new and curious things I have learned about myself ;)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Last DC Installment

Here are the last of my pictures of DC. There are some from the Museum of American History, the Subway and one of my companions waiting to watch Hubble 3D at the Air and Space Museum . . . and some random other.

I suppose now I shall have to get back to taking photos of good 'ol New York now ;)