Friday, June 11, 2010

Can't hack it

I think that I've given myself a little too much of a challenge trying to take a picture of myself everyday. As the subject states, I just can't hack it! So, I'm going to take it a little easier on myself and shoot for one picture a week of myself for now. And in the interim if I have other subject matter to post I can do that as well! And perhaps down the line, when I have grown more comfortable with myself I can change it again to everyday. Right now I'm just already bored of myself ;) And I am finding it difficult not only to take pictures everyday, but to post them as well.

For today I have chosen these photos of some recent artwork, which are very much like self-portraits ;)

"Color Swatch: Red"

"Color Swatch: Yellow"

"Color Swatch: Green"

A view looking down into the "Internal Working Model Tree"

"Internal Working Model Tree"

Monday, June 7, 2010


For my next disliked body part I have chosen my epidermis - more specifically, my freckles and moles. Some people tell me they love them, but I find them to make my skin look even more pale in contrast. If only they could blend into the rest of my skin so I would have a nice dark tone. I want so badly to look the part of someone with Hispanic heritage. El sigh.

I don't mind the moles, however, in certain places as much. The ones on my face and neck don't bother me as much. Somehow they feel more distinct or dignified in those locations. It is also fun sometimes to connect the dots ;)


I knew it would be a challenge to do this everyday. It is an interesting thing to have to try and remember yourself everyday in this way. I think it will take some practice and discipline until I can really get it down, but I'm realizing that part of this whole photo experiment is learning to remember myself everyday and give myself a little attention. This is something I have never been good at. If nothing else, it will be a good practice in self-care.

I decided I was getting a little bored of taking pictures of my face and started taking pictures of body parts I dislike. I first chose my feet for subject matter. First of all, I dislike feet in general, so therefore mine are no exception, but mine are also large among other things and I just really don't like them. As part of taking pictures of body parts I am not fond of I want to add a redemptive, hopeful aspect to this, so I am going to also try and find at least one thing that is not so bad about the body part I dislike.

One thing I do like about my feet is their high arches. Sometimes I pretend I am a ballerina because of them, which is one of the only times in my life I feel graceful and like a little girl all at the same time.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


“Our body is…a vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care.” -- Buddha

Friday, June 4, 2010


Okay, so obviously I didn't get around to this Yesterday and I am already slacking on the blog. I did, however, take some pictures of myself Yesterday. So I figure that counts. As long as I take a picture everyday I'm going to allow myself to post them whenever I get the chance. Agreed? Anyway. Here's the pic I chose from Yesterday. So far, all I'm learning is that I suck at self-provided deadlines ;)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Starting Fresh

I am back from my hiatus, somewhat refreshed and ready to get back to my creative development and work.

I have decided to take my good friend's advice and work on 365 days of self-portraits. I no longer have photoshop to work with, so it will be interesting to see what I can do without my new favorite photographic enhancer.

My therapist suggested I see a body image therapist, as my mood is very much influenced by how I feel I "look". Also, the most frequent arguments I have with Tice are when he speaks very innocently about how he feels about exercise and I blow up at him because I take it as a personal afront (even though I know logically it is not).

Starting today I am going to go through whatever pictures I have that I have taken of myself or people have taken of me that I like for one reason or another and post them here as a pre-study. And tomorrow will be day one of my little experiment.
This is an exploration of this new theme of body image that has come up for me. I am interested to see where it goes.