Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Starting Fresh

I am back from my hiatus, somewhat refreshed and ready to get back to my creative development and work.

I have decided to take my good friend's advice and work on 365 days of self-portraits. I no longer have photoshop to work with, so it will be interesting to see what I can do without my new favorite photographic enhancer.

My therapist suggested I see a body image therapist, as my mood is very much influenced by how I feel I "look". Also, the most frequent arguments I have with Tice are when he speaks very innocently about how he feels about exercise and I blow up at him because I take it as a personal afront (even though I know logically it is not).

Starting today I am going to go through whatever pictures I have that I have taken of myself or people have taken of me that I like for one reason or another and post them here as a pre-study. And tomorrow will be day one of my little experiment.
This is an exploration of this new theme of body image that has come up for me. I am interested to see where it goes.


  1. You are beautiful! :) LOVE your choice of pictures!! They completely capture different aspects of your personality as well as inner and outer I feel honored that some of the pics are from my very own camera ;) LOVE YOU sis~!

  2. I've taken 9 of those...I am proud to say. I think this is going to be very interesting indeed...and so fucking ironic, because you are - by far - one of the MOST photogenic people I know.

  3. Nik- can I just say that I think you're ridiculously photogenic? The rawest ones are the most beautiful. I love this project idea and will be following and in awe, no doubt.
