Monday, April 12, 2010

The Dark Room

I have never been totally comfortable with the world of digital photography. Ninety percent of what I used to love about taking pictures was getting to develop them in a dark room. I realized this morning that digital photos seem like fast food to me - no matter how often I eat it I always feel unsatisfied. So, I have decided to include in this journal playing around in the virtual dark room that is Photoshop. It won't have the same haunting, sour smell of developing chemicals that used to fill me with so much comfort, but I hope to somehow find a deeper connection with this digital photography process that I still find so awkward.

Here is what I came up with:


  1. gorgeous pictures! Love the one of Alex especially...

  2. Niki, you are so very gifted - glad you are exploring this medium and hope it is connecting with your soul.

  3. Wow, this is lovely! good for you - and those cherry blossoms! Swoon!
