Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The White House and the Capitol Building

While we were in DC we had the great fortune to watch Marine One taking off and landing again and again. Evidently, it was such a nice night that the President decided to take Sasha and Malia on helicopter rides around the city. Tax dollars well spent. Got some cool shots though.

The Capitol building was quite impressive and, again, reminded me of Rome - specifically the Vatican and Saint Peter's Basilica. We happened to be there for the weekend of the Climate Rally and I got some shots the night before the rally with the stage all set up. There were more Port-A-Potties in one place than I've ever seen before in my life. We made a point to avoid that area the next day.

I realized that I probably should have saved the best pictures for last. This blog and the rest are just some shots of DC and stuff I hadn't seen before and thought was cool. Oh well. I'm going in reverse.

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